Cátedra Würth-EMC

The company Würth Elektronik, specialist in electronic and electromechanical components, opens a Research and Development Center in Parc Cientific of the University of Valencia

Nowadays, Würth Elektronik has 16 production centers around the world, making of it one of the most valuable companies in the Würth Group. Today starts working a new office in the Parc Cientific of the University of Valenciag.

To the official inaugurations were invited, on behalf of Würth Elektronik, Rob Sperring (the vice president of the company) and for part of the University of Valencia, María Dolores Real (The Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer).

Josep Balcells, Country Manager of Würth Elektronik in Spain and Portugal, declared: ” The objective is to multiply the team that works in the center with the progressive incorporation of the students of the Chair, which do summer internships in our offices in Germany”. Also, the head of this new center, Jorge Victoria, Senior Product Manager of WE, explained that the goal of this center is “to develop products with the Chair that José Torres runs, while taking advantage of networking with startups, spinoffs and multinationals installed in this Science Park”.